Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The lightning girl

So, there I was in McDonalds. With my little sister, four at the time.  I was carrying her, she's a lot younger than me.  So, I walk through the waiting room.  The only place where hospital-like tension can be found in the wild.  From fat people.

Ok, that was a bad joke.  Moving on.

So, I round the corner from the play area.  I have my sister in tow.  She's really nice.  I think she has color-number syesthesia.  The number 2 is always green.  Always.  I discovered it when she called my green lollipop "two."  She's pretty cool like that.  I think she'll be good at math.

Where was I?  Right.

Rounding the corner.  I enter the waiting room.  I look around.  And then,

The most intense eyes I've ever seen.  I mean, I almost drop my sister, they're so crazy.  They remind me of the descriptions of the goddess athena.  Those deep blue grey eyes.  Wise, like they could tear into my soul.  Except,
She's like, seven.  Mix the top photo and the bottom photo.  I don't have Photoshop, and I don't think it would be possible to do her justice anyways.  

The fact that she was so young really mixed me up.  I mean, her face alone looked like it belonged to the goddess of wisdom.  I'm not hyperbolizing here.  I really think that, I will take that opinion to my grave.  She's like seven. 

So I sit down at the booth behind her.  Those red, clammy, dirty, sticky, plastic booths at McDonalds.  
Those.  Except this one was red.  I'm not complaining, really, they're better than the tables.  

So I sit down with my sister and her twin brother.  I'm looking at the back of this girl's head.  And then,

The girl turns all the way around in her seat and just stares at me.  Right in the eyes.  She looks into my soul and in that moment I almost broke every social construct and got down on my knees and asked her to marry me.  Not really.  But I wish I did.  Seriously, she was that amazing, if I saw her again and wasn't too shocked to think I would consider breaking every rule in the book just to get to know her and maybe marry her.  

I said almost.  You can stop looking at me now, child protection agency.  This blog is for educational purposes only.

Her dad was really deep-eyed too.  And he had a neck brace on.  It was disorientating to look at him.  I felt like my world was about to shatter.  

So oftentimes I look back on that moment in the McDonalds waiting room with that goddess little girl and wish that maybe I was younger.  Or maybe I was braver.  Or maybe the world allowed different things to happen.  My biggest wish, right above get a novel published, is to meet someone with eyes like hers.  Preferably a girl.  Even if it's a guy I'll be satisfied knowing there are other humans like that out there.  

A while ago I moved out of state.  With that move went the last tiny sliver of hope I ever had of seeing that girl again.  It was actually the thing I thought about more than losing my friends, more than losing my home, more than starting over with life, starting college for the first time in a strange land.  

More than anything, I thought about that girl.  And the fact that I'll probably never see her again.  

So that's the story of the lightning girl, because she struck literally like a bolt of lightning and then was gone from my life forever.  No matter how much I wish there's almost no chance of me ever meeting her.  If I meet her there's an even slimmer chance that I'll get to live out my life with her.  I might not even like her once I get to know her.  But hey, a guy can dream sometimes.  

A guy can dream.  

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