Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Sakura Sweet chapter 5 part 1: Ulysses S. Grant

He was alone. Alone in his world with nothing but a bunch of imaginary elves to accompany him. How did he know they were imaginary? He didn’t. Not at the time. He had no way to prove that they were real or unreal. I mean, he saw them. They really existed in his sight.
Not that any of it mattered. They came through a forest pass and came out into a meadow where the flowers were blooming and the bees were buzzing and everything had the smell of sweet clover and honey, the stuff of the bible—bread and honey, clover and honey, quail and honey, honey everywhere. What was it that made the stuff so appealing? The sugar? The taste? The viscosity? No one really knew. Or at least, no one had told Johnathan one way or another. I mean, that’s just the way things were.
So Johnathan and his elf captors walked out of the meadow and into a small little hut hat Jonathan did not notice but when it was right before him. It blended into the trees and hid itself so well that even when Johnathan stepped inside he wasn’t sure whether or not it was constructed. It might not have been. A magical attachment to a tree, perhaps. Not that Johnathan cared about what it looked like on the outside. What he was concerned with was who or what was on the inside.
He did see. It took his eyes a while to adjust. When they did he saw that the hut was sparse. Just a chair, a table, and someone sitting on that chair holding his hands above the table, eating a fried fish with impeccable mannerism, up to and including covering his mouth as he chewed. If he really was a man at all—with elves it was hard to tell gender since they all looked like asexual pointy-eared beings with strange sideways eyes that blinked horizontally. That was creepy. Johnathan still couldn’t get used to it. What were they seeing? Were they seeing the same things he was seeing? Or were they seeing a completely different world from his? He didn’t know. Not that he didn’t care; he just didn’t know anything, or at least not enough to figure out what was what.
The elf man-woman at the table raised his or her head. He or she looked directly into Johnathan’s eyes.
“Welcome to middle earth,” she said, completely straight faced.

And now Johnathan was convinced that she was a girl. She looked exactly like that one elf queen from the movies—she looked just like Galadriel. She was Galadriel. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sakura Sweet Chapter 4: Abacus Shumabacus.

He didn’t like where he was going. Not at all. The forest, the leaves, the sticks that crunched underneath his feet as he followed in the footsteps of the elf man dude. What was his name again? Elf man dude? Legolas? Maybe Johnathan should call him that from now on. Legolas. Oh hey, there, Legolas. Didn’t see you there. How’s it been going since you lost touch with your dwarf boyfriend Gimli? Did you guys have a fight or something?
Of course he wasn’t actually going to say that. Unless elves could read minds.
Which we can.
The voice broke into his head like a sudden deluge of hot chocolate poured over ice cream where the ice cream melted instantly and turned to ashes in his mouth. Oh. So is it true that you broke up with him?
The elf said nothing.
You’re not denying it?
The elf said nothing.
Johnathan rubbed his hands together, or at least, tried to do the best he could all bound by the hands and knees like he was, trailing behind the elf man dude with long hair attached to a rope that the elf man dude was dragging—maybe Johnathan really should call him Legolas—and soon he would be bound by the mouth as well, if he kept up his internal dialog like this. Shit. This was complicated. How was he communicating with the elf man dude?
“You’re not.”
Ah. Johnathan relaxed.
Then he realized what had happened. “Oh,” he said. “Oh.”
“Oh. Very nice words to describe what you’re feeling. Do explain.”
“I thought I was your captive.”
“You are. But I’m bored. What do you want to do with your free time before you get tossed into a dungeon for trespassing on Kireut land?”
Johnathan shrugged. “Anything, really. Wanna play shiritori?”
“Don’t know what that game is. Do explain it.”
“It’s Japanese where we—“
The elf tugged on Johnathan’s leash. “I hate Japanese. Don’t mention it in front of the king lest you die, your head chopped off and fed to the immortals.”
“The immortals?” Johnathan asked.
“Yeah,” said the elf man dude. “The immortals.” He paused. “What do you want me to explain about them?” he asked. “I mean, you’re probably going to end up there anyways whether or not I explain it to you. So I might as well explain how you’re going to die.”
Johnathan swallowed. “I,” he said. “I,” he paused. “I don’t know.”  He tried to scratch his nose but failed miserably. “What do you want to know about me? I have lots of things to talk about.” He sensed that the elf man dude was tensing up against him. His mental barrage was becoming more fragmented. Who was really behind that iron mental wall? Nobody? A real sentient being? Or were they all projections of Johnathan’s delusional mind?
He didn’t care. At least he could think straight now. All he wanted to do was to go home and watch his teakettle boil. Did that sound familiar? It must have.
Oh, right. The Hobbit. Or, otherwise known as, “There and Back Again.”
Was this that world? Did the one ring really exist here? Whose fault was it that it was created? Who built it—did Sauron really manage to create it by himself? Who was Sauron? Was he really the bad guy? Who was the bad guy? Did Sauron have any real reason to fight his enemies? What did Sauron want? What about Saruman? Did someone go and tell Saruman to do all the things he did? Where was Gandalf the Grey? Who was he? What happened to him? Where was he now? Was he still alive? As Gandalf the Grey, the White, the Purple? That sounded cool. Gandalf the Purple. Purple was a good color. A nice one. A good one for the ages. This is how he wanted it done—like this. Gandalf was real, wasn’t here?
The elf man dude looked uncomfortable. Had he been reading Johnathan’s mind? Who was he? Where did he come from? Too many questions! They were all pouring out at once. Then a voice popped into Johnathan’s mind.
He really is Legolas, you know.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Socrates vs Euclid: is the world flat or round?

Hey you all, I'm the moderator of this debate--the name's Zeppy Cheng don't forget it. Or forget it. Hell if I care. This shit (If you'll pardon my rough Germanic) is for real. Got them right here, Socrates and Euclid. Let's have a showdown.

The dice have been rolled. Socrates first. He chooses to argue--the world is flat!
Has he become the devil's advocate? Let's ask him!

Socrates: I still don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'd love to try. You can call me whatever is needed to get the job done.

All, right now! Let's talk this over with Euclid. Do you have any qualms before the game starts?

Euclid: Naw, no way brah. I got this shit covered. The world is round all the way through and ain't anybody denyin' it.

That's that! Let the games begin!

Socrates: Imagine the world as a diamond.  A big diamond--kind of like those diamonds in minecraft. I do like minecraft, by the way. It's very fun. Validates a lot of my methodology.

And how does that work?

Socrates: Aristotle came up with the idea of an atom--but I'm the one who made that idea popular.

Oh, look at Socrates! Trying to take the credit from someone else~!

Socrates: Can I continue?

Go ahead. Sorry for interrupting you.

Socrates: My basic idea is that the world is flat because it is possible to simulate it as being flat inside of a game.  The idea is that, inside a game, things only work which are in the "event horizon," or rather to put it in a more logical format: you can't imagine something that is not true on some level.

Let's see how Euclid responds to that!

Euclid: you're a dick, Socrates. A really preposterous one. That ain't nothing compared to the evidence that the world is round. Chris Colombia is my brah.

Isn't that last name pronounced "Columbus?"

Euclid: He's my brah and that's what I call him, bro.

So what is your rebuttal against Socrates's argument?

Euclid. Ain't got one cept for the information that's out there. I mean, just look at it. From space. Lot'sa stuff orbitin' around it and such and that can't happen unless it's spherical. Spherical, brah.

That's it for today! Socrates has won this round--will Euclid recover in the next?

Euclid: Hey!  Why do you say I lost?

Because Socrates made an argument that was stronger than yours.

Euclid: what do you mean?

Oh, look at the time! It's time to start packing up. Next time, Euclid, I'm sure you'll do better.

Euclid: stop patronizing me. *Sticks out tongue.*

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sakura Sweet chapter 3 part 2

Chapter 3 part 2

Johnathan did not need to think about that one. “Yes.” He stepped through the door. The door did not look to him like a real door; rather, it felt like a portal through which he was passed hand to hand between two gods at large who both wanted to keep his soul intact. Both were kept intact. Both of his souls. How did he know? He didn’t. He just wanted to understand what was happening to him.
Why was he doing this? What kind of energy did it take to send his body into an alternate dimension? He didn’t know. He still didn’t know. He knew nothing. Nothing at all about where he was going. Land, fire, water, trees, big rocks and boulders and a river with a waterfall attached to its end, flowing over the pebbles and the rocks that made up the body of the streambed with which he was having sex right now. That’s it. It was all a metaphor for sex. Everything was a metaphor for sex. Sex, sex, sex, it was all sex. Was that what was leading him astray? Perhaps. Indeed. It was. Sex was the fault with which humanity was given its last chance to prove that it was not indeed like any of the other species what with the flies and the fruits and such as did not matter to him who looked at them.
He lit them on fire. He lit all of it on fire. With a flick of his wrist. All gone. All gone and dead. The streambed had disappeared and in its place was a massive crater the size of two men together having sex with each other without protection—was that even a bad thing? Johnathan didn’t know shit about any of it. He didn’t want to know shit. No shit was his policy. He didn’t take any shit. No shit at all, neither did he take crap or fuckery or any of those other four-letter words which implied weakness in both the speaker and the listener with which he was about to engage amidst the crime of hallucination. Because that’s all it was. Hallucination. Hallucination, Hallucination, Hallucination. Definite hallucination. That’s all it really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really was. All a hallucination. All of it. Then why was he here. Why am I here? He asked that question of himself. Had he really destroyed anything with his powers? Had he really done anything magnificent like he had been told he would do? What were his powers like? What were they? Whose were they? They weren’t his—they weren’t his! Where did they come from?! Italics. He liked to think of it in terms of italics. Why did he think that way? He didn’t know. What were italics, anyways? Something to show that a sentence was imaginary? All in his head? Whose italics were they?
And then they spoke to him. “We are here for you to enjoy. We are your presence.” His eyes were opened. It really was a waterfall. A beautiful waterfall. Rainbows. There was no crater. He had imagined it. Where was he now? He didn’t care. Not at all. In no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way was he going to believe any of it—but he did. It was all in his mind where he kept the rest of the stuff.

And there he had it. The perfect peace. White space. White space everywhere. He was clean.
He decided to take a bath in the river. It was cold. Sharply cold. Deathly cold. Did he die? He hoped not. Perhaps he did. Perhaps. But for now he looked out at the world as it was and saw nothing—or did he see—
“You!” An arrow struck a rock behind his head and bounced off, hitting his skull, giving him sharp pain. The voice came from the underbrush in front of him. It was all underbrush but in a specific place was what was—was it?—it was—a duck blind. But not a duck blind in the modern sense. An old fashioned one. Arrows. Of course there would be arrows. He knew where he was now. Krackotoa. The realm of the beast, the sword, the magic, the system and the happiness with which he was blessed. Krackotoa. The land of the fighter and the dreamer, where good and evil came together to join forces against the power of boredom.
So, what was his mission? His mission was simple. Become king. And how would he do that?
By making friends. He lifted up his hand. “Hello there!”
The voice behind the bush responded. “You, there. You move and we shoot.”
Johnathan didn’t move. The voice spoke again.
“You there. Come out of the river. Slowly so that we can watch you. Don’t dress yourself. Come with us and we’ll promise to not shoot.”
“Sounds good to me,” he said. He climbed out of the river—it was cold outside—and stopped in front of the bush. A man’s head popped out of the blind. He was grizzled, old, but not too old, perhaps aged by the sun rather than by time. Johnathan’s guess put him at late forties. An old, wise late forties. Perhaps this man really was a kind man at heart. He seemed it. Johnathan held out his hand. The man stared at it. Stared at it some more. Two more men stepped out from behind trees. But they weren’t men.
Elves? They were elves? With the pointy ears—their ears were pointy! Pointy ears! Holy shit! Johnathan’s eyes went wide. Very wide. Wide enough so that he could see what he missed. The river wasn’t regular water. It was holy water! Where had he gone to get something like that?! He put his hands on top of his head. “Take me where you will. I will accompany you.”
The chief elf guy stood all the way up. He was tall. Very tall. Like a mushroom had been ingested at some point and then never faded away into oblivion. A Mario mushroom, of course. Except this one stretched the main elf guy up into the stratosphere. Though, not really. All Johnathan had to do to look into his eyes was tilt his head a little bit. Upwards. Tilt his head upwards.
“Six feet four inches,” said Johnathan. “You’re six feet four inches.”
The main elf dude narrowed his vision. His eyelids scrunched up together at the bridge of his nose. In a strange way. Did elves have sideways eyelids? It seems as though they did. Hm, thought Johnathan. Interesting. He held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
The main elf dude narrowed his vision some more. “Who are you,” he said. “And what do you want with me?” Johnathan shrugged and then shook his head. “I don’t know.” He looked at his hand. There was a ring. The one ring to rule them all, of course. But it wasn’t. Was it gold? It was gold. Real gold. So he had bought the real stuff indeed. The elf man dude snarled as he caught sight of what Johnathan had on his pinky finger. The ring. Always worn there because the size had been too small but the ring had been so beautiful. That is why he had bought it. Because it was pretty. Pretty for Emile. Too pretty for her apparently.
“You,” said the elf. “Take that ring off.” Johnathan sensed danger. So he took it off and handed it to the elf dude man. The elf dude man examined it in his palm like it was a hot coal. And perhaps as if his hands were covered in asbestos. Perhaps.
Johnathan—he smiled, a lot, big—he liked to smile like that. Well, now he did. He didn’t know if he had before. Perhaps he had at one point before he met Emile. His grin was stupid silly and he knew it. The elf dude man was on guard. Johnathan could see it. The elf dude man was very much suspicious of him.
Why was he suspicious? Johnathan didn’t know. He didn’t know at all whether or not to trust this man. He wasn’t a man, though. He was an elf. With sideways eyelids. And maybe even two layers. Like a cat squid. Evil but not evil. True neutral. That’s what these elves were. True neutral. So perhaps they would respond to objective truth.
Johnathan said: “Take my ring and give it to your queen.” He then reached into the river and washed his hands. He said: “I now wash my hands of the responsibility of taking care of that piece of metal.”
The elf dude man sighed, closed his hands around the ring, and turned to his followers. “Let him get dressed,” he said. “We’re going to take him to Galadriel.” Which meant that he really was in the Tolkien universe. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. Johnathan rubbed his hands together. Very, very interesting.

Interesting indeed.