Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Letters are yummy #1

I see letters as real physical things, colors, motions, shapes.  So now I will show to you the alphabet, as I see it.

The letter A

The letter A is indistinct.  A blob of color, with bumpy edges.  It's the first letter of the alphabet, so of course it's the first letter in my positional synesthesia.  It's off to the left, in the corner over there.  I don't know what it's doing, but it looks pretty smug, to itself.  maybe it's having a secret affair with B.

The letter B
The letter B is a party of color, a disco ball of white and blue and yellow.  It took me a while to realize what it was at first, because it's a whole bunch of colors, instead of one.  Is it having an affair with A?  I don't know. Why don't you ask it?

The letter C
This letter looks kind of like a school bus.  It's yellow, and square.  It's at on the other side of B from A, which is important, because both C and A orbit B, while D forms a ring around them. It's a pretty solid letter, though a bit indistinct.  I have to work a bit to see it. 

The letter D
The letter D forms a ring around A, B, and C.  It's big, and its suffocating.  It's kind of like the oort cloud of comets around the solar system, but a turd colored brown, instead of blue or whatever color comets are.

The letter E 
The letter E is a big bar of green, that wants to jump all over the place.  It's hard to look at, because it keeps wanting to jump into my eyes.  It's crazy, and it tastes like apple Laffy Taffy.  Imagine that. 

The letter F
The letter F, interestingly enough, tastes like banana Laffy Taffy.  It wants to spread out at the top, where the ffff of F moves through the letter.  It's not the same color of yellow as C.  It's brighter, more happy.  F is a very happy letter.  It likes E.  I don't think it likes G, though.

The letter G
F doesn't like G because G is unhappy.  G is drooping, full of grape flavoring (Grape Laffy Taffy, as a matter of fact.)  It's dark, and brooding.  It's on a black background because that's just how dark it is.  In fact, all the letters are on a black background, but I just forgot to mention it.  Sorry.  I misled you.  I'm keeping white backgrounds for clarity's sake.  You can look at the background of my webpage for reference.  

The letter H
The letter H is brown, like a horse.  It's a little hard to see; that's why I don't like it that much.  Its cousin I is a lot better.  Hey, you can't blame me for playing favorites.  Some letters are just more equal than others. 

The letter I
I is amazing.  It's ice cream, really really bright ice cream.  It's all white, and in the interest of clarity, I'm going to put it against a black background.  But don't get used to it.  I is cool.  I like I.

That's all for today, folks.  Come back tomorrow if you want more, which I know you do.  You want more psychedelic letters, right?  Right?  

Well it doesn't matter, because I'm going to give them to you anyways.    
This sucks.  This sucks, this sucks, this sucks.  Why can't I be famous like all the famous people I know?  I want to become famous.  To become famous!  I will be a natural famous person, I swear I have the ego for it.  I will be so cool as a famous person, people will walk up to me and be all like "Can I have your autograph," and I'll say, "Hell yes you can, my handwriting is worth money now, and I'm going yo give you a present."  I want to be famous.  How do I do that?  Well, here are some things I can do to become famous.  

Write a book.

Doesn't work I've already tried it.  I finished a book recently, you can find it here, why am I even bothering self advertising no one reads this blog anyways my life is a lie I don't know what to do with myself anymore I'm worthless you know what suck it up self no one cares not least the legions of nobody that read this blog lord help me I'm a terrible writer.

S'cuse me there for a moment, I went on a tangent.  That was a tangent.  A real one, for sure.  I don't know anymore, don't ask me.

I don't know what else to do to become famous, honestly, besides release a hit record or something.  But I don't see myself doing that.  I guess I just wrote this blog post because I'm frustrated with myself for not writing a successful book.  I thought people would want to read my writing, and it turns out that they do, but nobody is willing to pay money for it, which kind of sucks.  I want my work to be valued above free, something that people will pay to see.  To experience.  I put a lot of effort into it, and I know that doesn't regulate value, but I can't help but hate the system which makes some books famous and others not.  You know?  What do they have that I don't?  I want to know, so that I can put together something that people will be proud to have read.  No one's going to read this, anyways.  Wow, this is just one long rant against society, against the feeling inside of the pit of my stomach that says "don't do it anymore, it's not worth it."  It's not worth it, it isn't.  And in the back of my head I'm thinking "this is it, this is going to be the blog post that will propel me to stardom."  Get real.  Really?  What is this post even about?  Getting famous?  Why do I want to get famous?

Rants aside, no, no rants aside.  I think I want to keep that.  But anyways, what was I talking about?  Oh, right.  Getting famous.  How will I be able to do that?  What do I have to do to get famous?  Just be myself?  That's wonderful.  That's amazing.  But no.  No way will that work to my advantage.  You know how it is.  People don't want to see the self that comes out when others aren't looking.  Because nobody is looking, right?  This text is just going to sit in hyperspace for eternity or something, with no one to care, nobody to read it, nobody to give it love.  What is this text, anyways?  

What is this text?  Is it the outpouring of my soul?  Is it the truth inside of me?  I don't know.  I really don't know.  Hey, I have an idea.  I'll talk about the things that I see inside of my head.  That will be pretty cool.  I think that's a good topic for a series of blog posts.  Yes, that's it!  I'll blog about my world, the world inside of my head, I'll explain the number line and everything!  Yes, that's it!  Just you wait, world, I'm going to be famous!