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Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Mom and Girls

So I realized recently that my mother has a good eye when it comes to selecting girls that I might like.  I've always known it, but was too stupid to admit it and ended up shunning the girls because of my mother.  So, I re-evaluated my thoughts based upon what I learned while reading psychology books.  And I figured out some interesting things.

You know that adage, you like the girls that are like your mother?  The same for daughters and the father?  Well, it's true,  There's a theoretical model proposed by a PhD psychologist that explains the whole deal.  It goes something like this, if you'll excuse me getting technical.

When a child is young, it craves emotional nourishment the same way that it craves physical nourishment.  Without both, it will die.  Babies get both things at the same time: at their mother's breast.  (Haha, I said breast.  I'll cross it out and put boobies next time, just for you.)  When a mother is being suckled, she experiences deep feelings of connection with her child.  But, most humans aren't emotionally whole.  They're broken on the inside because of, well, this.  When the mother feels these deep connections, she withdraws.  The baby realizes this and reacts.  He gets hungry for emotional nourishment.  He doesn't get it; the more he chases after her, the less she gives him.  (Sound familiar?  It is.)

So that, by the time the baby has been weaned, he has learned to cope with his hunger the same way people stranded in the middle of the ocean have: by thinking about it.  As the child grows, this 'Fantasy Bond,' as it is termed by Dr. Firestone, is tailored to the individual's parents.  Their own complexes pass down to their children.  Some mothers run from their children's love.  Others chase after their children.  So what does this mean for the families my mother gets to know?  And their daughters?

Well, it means that there is a high likelihood that my mother's complexes will attract a certain kind of mother.  And that mother will have daughters with a certain type of complex.  See?  My mom does have good taste in women.

Which she rammed into my head just by being my mother.  So it's kind of fair, and it's kind of unfair.
But, I'm happy, because it makes things easy for me.  :P

Here's the book:  The Fantasy Bond, by Dr. Firestone.  Plus a lot of his other stuff, it's really cool.  Wikipedia Article
More Psych Stuff

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