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New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I sold out

So I'm a writer.  Bet you didn't know that.  I write books.  Lots of them.  I've finished three manuscripts since I started writing a year ago (all in the past three months, with lots of
to keep me in tip-top shape).

So one of my manuscripts is actually pretty good.  It's about a boy on an adventure through a post-sci-fi world.  Sound's pretty interesting, right?  Well it is.  I can assure you.

But in order to get your book published, you have to get an agent.  And in order to get an agent, you have to sit for months at the bottom of an email slush pile.

And even then, the agent's mood, disposition, and recency of their last caffeine shot will determine whether they like your Query or not.  And don't even think about submitting straight to a publisher anymore.

So why is it like this?  Why can't I even get someone to look at my stuff, let alone reject it?  Well, because one thing:
 Microsoft word.  I mean, what it represents.  An entire generation growing up with an insane amount of access to writing tools, not to mention the written-word bonanza that is the internet and texting.  I don't think modern publishing methods are built to handle the sheer volume of writing that comes from a world full of literate people with at least marginal writing skills.

In other words, there's a big crowd.
    300 million of them, in america, maybe 100 million more English native speakers around the world.   That's a lot of people.  If they have a computer, they can write.  And who doesn't have a computer, nowadays?  So, that's a lot of writers.  Most of them, like throughout history, are slush.  But of course they get stacked on the slush pile of any agent or publisher brave enough to advertise online.

And my manuscript is one of them.

So, what did I do?

I sold out.
That's right, I did the thing that will forever brand me as a hopeless egotist, which I will put on the record now that I most definitely am in the most amazing and wondrous sense of the word, so get down on your knees before the most profound and engaging writer ever to have come into existence on this puny earth, plebeian.
Self Publishing has got a stigma attached to it, for good reason, I think.  But when you send your manuscript to several agents, and don't even hear back from any of them after two to three weeks, self publishing looks like the only place one can ever go.  Of course magazines are always an option, but what if I don't want to write short stories?  What if I want to write involved novels instead?  Would it be the same brand of selling out if I wrote a short story just to break into the magazine world?

I don't know.  So I'm just going to shamelessly self-promote my book, which is amazing in every sense of the word, and fun, and all those other positive adjectives.  It has its flaws, but I'm not going to tell them to you.  Find them for yourself.  
  Just look at that beautiful cover.  Designed by this guy right here *points at self* and the color scheme has to to with what's in the book.  Isn't that deep?  Just look at it.  Now buy it.  Only 2.99.  You won'r regret it.  Show it to your friends.  Get them to buy it.  I want to be famous.  Make me famous.  Do it now and I'll give you cookies, the real kind.  I mean, I'll think about giving you cookies, since I don't actually know where you are.  Wait, don't tell me.  It's not worth cookies to tell me where you live, I promise you.  Unless you really like cookies.  Then go ahead.  But don't tell me I didn't warn you.  
Buy it.

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