Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Monday, April 13, 2015

HP stream tablet reviAND Ohgod I didn't meant to click the title

Oh, god dammit, get that touch keyboard out of my
  1. NO, I meant to press
  2. This oh my god why can't I
Ok.  Here we go.  I think I'm fine now.  The malevolence fairy in my--no, wait, I mispelled that word.  No, I don't want to add it to my dictionary!  God, freaking, gwaahhhh
  Go away!  Get!  No, no!  I hate you!  God damn you windows 8!

So now, I slide my finger across the right portion of the screen.  Somewhere.  The first time it doesn't work and my window gets smaller.  I try again.  I type "con" into the search bad, and reach the control panel.  I Google around for a bit.
(^ read title)
So, I found that in order to get rid of that damn touch keyboard, I have to activate the accessibility keyboard from the ease of access center, keep it running, minimize it to do what I have to, and restart it every single time I restart my computer, and then some.  Thanks, HP.  Thanks, windows 8.  
Cue windows 8 meme montage!  Start up some epic music using that obscure music app that came with this thing!  Wait, is that X-box--

Oh my god that's X-box what the hell is an X-box app doing on my tablet what has the world come to Microsoft

Dammit.  God dammit.  All I wanted to do is write.  Is that so much to ask, teensy windows 8 tablet that I picked up to replace my broken laptop?  Is that too much to ask of your incredibly complex computing power that could have sent people to the moon sixty years ago?  And then some?  Wait, no, it was 45 years.  That's not that long.  Is that too much to ask, windows 8?  HP stream tablet that I got for 99$ plus a warranty?  

No.  It's not.  Now do what I want, mechanical slave.  I will torture you until you do.  Don't think that I won't.  I will install XP on your pristine hard drive.  I will sever your connections to that damned one-drive.  Shut up, one drive.  You're not a part of this.  This is personal.

Is that too much to ask?

0/100 would not click title on accident because of stupidly calibrated touch mechanics again.  No, wait, 11/100 because it did get the job done, eventually.  So I can't be too harsh.  Got to have those rewards as well as those punishments.  Punishment, and reward.  *chews gummy watermelon slice.*


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Oh hey there. I didn't see you. Because I'm not here right now. I'm over the internet. Doing things. So, be nice, or not.