Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Unveiling of my new book

Hey people, look!  I wrote a book!
You see that cover?  I designed that cover myself.  In MS paint, like a boss.  Using a free typefont from the internet called Press Start 2P.  It's really cool.  
So the cover was inspired by the "press start" screens of old 8-bit video game consoles, obviously.  Like this one.  
And this one.  

Isn't it cool?  I'm a writer now!  A real novelist!  Ha!  Do you see where it says "a novel?"  I have no idea why that is always there, but it's true!  It's cool!  Books! 

I haven't published it yet (on kindle, duh) because I want to make sure it's as professional as possible.  I want to start an ad campaign.  I want to promote it seriously.  I want people to read it because I think it's cool.  And I wrote it.  And I want to affect people.  

Affect?  Effect?  Both?
According to this image I found on google,
Both.  I'm going to take both.  

And get a green pill.

But that's beside the point.  The point is, I wrote a book!  Actually, it's my fourth.  But It's a book!  My fourth book in like, four months.  I type fast.  
Ultimate powers, engage!  

That's actually Andrew Hussie.  Author of homestuck.  In case you didn't know.  

And if you didn't, go read homestuck.  It's great.  It's about homes.  And stuck.  And intergalactic xenoromantic drama.  

So, what should you do?

Well, you should get my book on kindle, of course!  Once it's published.  You can get it then.  Maybe you'll see one of my ads.  'Cuz I am gonna get seribra.  

Serious, bra.  

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Oh hey there. I didn't see you. Because I'm not here right now. I'm over the internet. Doing things. So, be nice, or not.