Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Monday, June 29, 2015

What's the use?

There's no use anymore.  It's no fun anymore.  Writing has gone to my head and now I can't write anymore.  No one looks at my stuff.  I'm just a zero guy in the middle of a slush about which everyone does their thing and produces.  That last line didn't make any sense.  Expect a lot of things to not make sense in the next few paragraphs.  
That's right.  It's not going to make any sense.  So buckle up, people, and prepare for a wild ride into the nether regions of cyberspace with me.

What's up with cats?  I'm allergic to cats.  That's funny.  Is it funny?  I think it's funny.  It's supposed to be funny.  I just used funny in four sentences in a row.  Now five.  Isn't that funny?  It's finny, I swear.  Is finny even a word?  Oh my god I hate myself this is so boring.  What kind of things do I want to talk about?  What kinds of things do I have with me that I can show people?  I don't know.  I don't even know anymore.  I can't know.  How about I start writing a zombie book.  Yea, that.  I'll write a zombie book.   It will be about how people built a camp in the middle of the docks, and prepared themselves for the destruction of the world.  That is what it will be about.  I think that's it.  For today.  I'm going to go write now.  Goodbye, see you next time, if there is one.  

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Oh hey there. I didn't see you. Because I'm not here right now. I'm over the internet. Doing things. So, be nice, or not.