Update schedule:

New On Writing with Kana segments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. New Sakura Sweet updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. New comedic bits on Saturday and Sunday if I have the inclination.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Socrates vs Euclid: is the world flat or round?

Hey you all, I'm the moderator of this debate--the name's Zeppy Cheng don't forget it. Or forget it. Hell if I care. This shit (If you'll pardon my rough Germanic) is for real. Got them right here, Socrates and Euclid. Let's have a showdown.

The dice have been rolled. Socrates first. He chooses to argue--the world is flat!
Has he become the devil's advocate? Let's ask him!

Socrates: I still don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'd love to try. You can call me whatever is needed to get the job done.

All, right now! Let's talk this over with Euclid. Do you have any qualms before the game starts?

Euclid: Naw, no way brah. I got this shit covered. The world is round all the way through and ain't anybody denyin' it.

That's that! Let the games begin!

Socrates: Imagine the world as a diamond.  A big diamond--kind of like those diamonds in minecraft. I do like minecraft, by the way. It's very fun. Validates a lot of my methodology.

And how does that work?

Socrates: Aristotle came up with the idea of an atom--but I'm the one who made that idea popular.

Oh, look at Socrates! Trying to take the credit from someone else~!

Socrates: Can I continue?

Go ahead. Sorry for interrupting you.

Socrates: My basic idea is that the world is flat because it is possible to simulate it as being flat inside of a game.  The idea is that, inside a game, things only work which are in the "event horizon," or rather to put it in a more logical format: you can't imagine something that is not true on some level.

Let's see how Euclid responds to that!

Euclid: you're a dick, Socrates. A really preposterous one. That ain't nothing compared to the evidence that the world is round. Chris Colombia is my brah.

Isn't that last name pronounced "Columbus?"

Euclid: He's my brah and that's what I call him, bro.

So what is your rebuttal against Socrates's argument?

Euclid. Ain't got one cept for the information that's out there. I mean, just look at it. From space. Lot'sa stuff orbitin' around it and such and that can't happen unless it's spherical. Spherical, brah.

That's it for today! Socrates has won this round--will Euclid recover in the next?

Euclid: Hey!  Why do you say I lost?

Because Socrates made an argument that was stronger than yours.

Euclid: what do you mean?

Oh, look at the time! It's time to start packing up. Next time, Euclid, I'm sure you'll do better.

Euclid: stop patronizing me. *Sticks out tongue.*

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Oh hey there. I didn't see you. Because I'm not here right now. I'm over the internet. Doing things. So, be nice, or not.