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Friday, January 22, 2016

Bonus Post: A reinterpretation of Revy as the "Real Tsundere"

Here is a link to the first episode of Black Lagoon.

My favorite character is Revy. You should probably know why if you know anything about her. Look at and you can see at a glance how badass she is. She's really badass if you were wondering. Badass level one million to hot to even touch.
She's screwed up. Got a lot of problems on her hands, enough PTSD to put the worst Vietnam vet into a state of grateful relief, saying "Wow, I'm glad I'm me and not her." That's just the way she is. She kills without hesitation with a gleeful look in her eye, she sits comfortably on the deck of a speeding, rocking boat while five bad guys spray her with point blank AK47 rapid fire bullet hell and shoots each one of them in turn bang, bang, bang, bang, bang all dead and she doesn't even have a scratch. Chuck Norris ain't nothin' to this girl. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. This girl can pull the whole building down with her teeth.
So why am I calling her a tundere (Sour-sweet in Japanese, kinda like a sour patch kid)?
Because she is. She's the ultimate tsundere. Look at her actions a little bit differently than the show would give to you on a platter and the "Whole Revy" begins to form.
For example. Revy likes to point guns at people. There are two kinds of people she points her guns at. Bad guys, and the people she loves the most. Can you guess which one she shoots? Yeah, the bad guys. But, then, why is she pointing her guns at the people she loves most? Because she wants to kill them. Yep, she wants to kill them. But not because she's Yandere crazy. Not because she wants to posses them. She points her gun at them and doesn't shoot right away to symbolize the fact that she trusts them wholly and completely and will always be there to protect them. How does that work out? Well, it works out really well.
Let's go in depth a little more about the previous statements. How can pointing and not shooting imply love? We'll answer first by describing Revy's relationship with her precious guns. They're really precious to her. Obviously. She carries them everywhere and never hesitates to rely on them in the toughest of situations. But, but but but, her attitude towards them changes as the show goes on.
You know who I think the main character is? Revy. She's the one that changes the most. She's the one that goes on a full, all-out hero's journey whose mission is to protect Rock and keep her freinds out of danger. A bad-ass hero's journey translated into a modern-day-pirate style story but in the end it's all the same.  She is the bad-ass hero archetype. The embodiment of that form. No hesitation to take action. No hesitation to kill. Heart as dark as the night but as brightly passionate as the sun. She loves, she lives, she kills and she will die and she knows it to be true and yet still puts herself in danger for the sake of her friends. She's the ultimate in character development. Really, the ultimate. Bang, bang, bang she goes and it translates into "I love you." Three people dead. Two people alive. One love for both of them bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, she goes up and down the rollercoaster of her emotions and throughout the entire ride wears a devilish grin on her face. She likes the blond-haired weapons-dealing nun with a pistol and sunglasses--so she points her gun at her for a whole minute and a half. No shooting. Just pointing. Saying, "I like you. A lot."
And then there's Rock. She points her gun at him. She shoots. She misses. Revy never misses. Ever. If she intends to kill she will kill no matter what. But then, in that situation--why did she miss? What did she do wrong?
She did nothing wrong. She let Rock cause her to miss. She trusted in him. She said, "If you can make me miss, I will love you forever." He made her miss. They loved each other forever. Then they kissed in the back of a cop car using cigarettes as proxies. None of that ooey gooey romance shit.  Neither of them have time for that. It's all in the head, in the interpretation. Interpretation is the name of the game and Reve loves Rock and Rock loves Revy because they be interpretatin' each other like husband and wife gone mad in a world filled with child porn suicide shooting, killing, death, disease, prostitutes, Roannapur, Roannapur, Roannapur. This shit's real. Her shit's real. She gonn'a deal with it and Rock's gonn'a help her ass get back in the shape it was meant to be.
Also, she's got some epic tats. Sweet smile too.

A real tsundere and fuck all the rest.

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